Usually summer comes with its own disruptions. This year we spell it out with a capital D.
In the U.S. we have several more months where we will continue to be bombarded by the racket kicked up by the presidential elections.
Brexit has created a very high noise level, not only in the UK, but throughout Europe.
How much distraction can a human tolerate? A challenge each of us will have sooner or later is to not let it divert our attention. Here are a few coaching suggestions that you may find helpful.
Understand what is important. There will be lots of interruptions. Some may truly be important to you; others, just confusing. Don’t get drawn into long conversations without understanding it is happening.
Focus. Don’t let the clatter of politics sidetrack you from what is really important. Most of us will spend some time keeping up with what is happening; make certain it is a reasonable amount. There are still things that we need to accomplish in the next few months. Keep them in the forefront.
What is in your control. If you spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about political issues, how can you do what is really important – whether running a business or finding a job? Be mindful of how you spend your time – you do control this. You make the decision to involve yourself in conversations or watch news programs. You control the power button! Know when to use it.
Walk away from it. Political discussions can consume a great deal of energy. This election-heavy time frame has the potential to generate more emotions than any within recent history. Understand when it is important to move on, not winning or losing, or even getting a point of view accepted, but simply because you have invested all the energy that is currently prudent.
Keep things in perspective. The above ideas should help you be productive during the next few months, minimizing disturbances and perhaps accomplishing more than most.
It’s in your hands!
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